‘no man is a failure, who has friends’ – It’s a beautiful life Friend /frɛnd/Old English frēond , of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to love’, shared by free . Free /friː/ able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another. This is not an article about NBC's beloved and highly successful TV show, no, what this is, is an appreciation for a little thing called Friendship. After all, who wants to go through the Mordors of Middle-Earth (for us mere mortals) without worthy companions like Sam, Pippin and Merry Mary, friends to believe in you, nudge you in the right direction, pull you up when you're down or wrestle the Gollums of life with you (sorry, I love Lord Of The Rings). Of all human relationships, Friendships are probably the least prioritized and the most sacrificial. Parents, romantic partners and offspring are put above it. So what's so special about them, that makes them so endearing? Well ...